مدرسة الجمعية الخيرية الاعدادية *** إدارة شرق طنطا التعليمية ***
H1N1 Flu Virus Halla11
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H1N1 Flu Virus Halla11
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مدرسة الجمعية الخيرية الاعدادية *** إدارة شرق طنطا التعليمية ***

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 H1N1 Flu Virus

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمود ابراهيم

محمود ابراهيم

H1N1 Flu Virus 28nvrt
عدد المساهمات : 1
نقاط : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/11/2009

H1N1 Flu Virus Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: H1N1 Flu Virus   H1N1 Flu Virus Emptyالإثنين 23 نوفمبر 2009, 1:09 am

bout H1N1 Flu Viru

H1N1 Flu Virus has been reported around the world, and the eWorld Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a pandemic influenza virus. H1N1 is a strain of the influenza virus that in the past, usually only affected pigs. In spring 2009, it emerged in people in North America. This is a new strain of influenza and because humans have little to no natural immunity to this virus, it can cause serious and widespread illness.

Ql. Is H1N1 Flu Virus contagious? How does it spread between people?

The H1N1 flu virus is contagious and is spread the same way as regular seasonal influenza. This happens when an infected person coughs or sneezes and their germs enter the nose, eyes, or throat of anotrfer person. The germs can also rest on hard surfaces like counters and doorknobs, and can be picked up on hands and transmitted to the respiratory system when someone touches their mouth and/or nose. It is not possible to catch it by eating pork or pork products or through blood transfusions,

H1N1 Flu Virus in Canada

Ql. Why does your information about H1N1 keep changing?

Since the H1N1 Flu Virus first appeared in Canada, we have said that the Public Health Agency of Canada's advice would evolve as information became available. As new, credible information becomes available, we update our messages to the public.

Q2. Does the Government of Canada expect to see more cases of H1N1 Flu Virus in Canada? Or a second wave of illness?

The Second Wave arrived in late October. Second Wave simply means there was an increase in H1N1 flu activity in several parts of the country; in other words an increasing number of Canadians being infected with the virus. This was expected. Although some cases have been severe, including some deaths, most of the cases continue to be mild. We continue to work with our international partners to learn more about this virus and to prepare for additional waves of illness and/or changes to the nature of the virus.

Q3. I understand Canada has experienced deaths related to the H1N1 Flu Virus. Does this mean the virus has grown in strength?

There is no evidence to suggest that the virus has become stronger.

It is important to realize that different strains of influenza result in about 2,000 to 8,000 Canadian deaths a year. We must take all influenza - not just the current strain - seriously, and take measures to protect ourselves.

Q4. How many people in Canada have died from H1N1 Flu Virus?

Reports of H1N1 Flu Virus Deaths in Canada

Q5. Why are only the number of deaths reported and not the numbers of cases of illness?

At first, it was important to understand how the virus was spreading, and what kind of illness it was causing. This is why we did individual testing to laboratory-

confirm cases of H1N1 Flu Virus. We know now that the virus has spread to all provinces and territories and is spreading like regular seasonal flu.

Protecting yourself and others

Ql. What can I do to protect myself from infection?

The Public Health Agency advises Canadians to:

Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer.

Keep your hands away from your face.

Cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. If you use a tissue, dispose of it as soon as possible and wash your hands.

Get immunized.

Keep common surface areas—for example, doorknobs, light switches, telephones and keyboards—clean and disinfected.

Eat healthy foods and stay physically active to keep your immune system strong.

Keep doing what you normally do, but if you get sick, stay home.

Check www.fightflu.ca for more information. Visit our H1N1 preparedness guide.

Check Bffwww. voyage, gc.ca for travel notices and advisories.

Talk to a health professional if you experience severe flu-like symptoms.

Talk to your health care provider if you are at risk for complications and you experience even mild flu symptoms. People at risk are

Children under five years Women who are pregnant

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People with chronic conditions such as heart or kidney disease, diabetes, asthma and chronic lung disease, suppressed immune systems, neurological disorders, liver disease, blood disorders and severe obesity

Q2. Should people who are at risk for complications take special precautions such as avoiding crowds?

It's important that people continue their daily lives during the pandemic. PHAC doesn't recommend that anyone avoid going to work or community social events if they are healthy. In other crowded situations that cannot be avoided, extra precautions should be taken such as frequent handwashing, to avoid picking up the virus. Pregnant women or others who are at risk for complications might consider carrying hand sanitizer for the same purpose.

Q3. Should Canadians take any extra measures like wearing surgical masks to avoid catching MINI Flu Virus?

Canadians should continue to take normal precautions to protect themselves as they would from a regular flu. While we are investigating to learn more about how this virus spreads, our best advice is for Canadians to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly, cough and sneeze into their arms, rather

than their hands, get immunized and stay home when ill.

The Public Health Agency of Canada does not recommend that members of the general public wear surgical masks to protect against contracting MINI Flu Virus. Evidence shows that this is not effective in preventing transmission of influenza in the general public. People often use masks incorrectly, or contaminate themselves when putting masks on and taking them off, which could actually increase the risk of infection.

The exception is people who are ill with H1N1 Flu Virus or people who are exhibiting flu-like symptoms. In order to protect those in close contact, like doctors, nurses, and caregivers at home, these people may be asked to wear a face mask.

Q4. What protection will the Government of Canada offer to healthcare workers to protect against H1N1 Flu Virus?

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As per normal infection control practices, healthcare workers will need to practice frequent hand washing. When in close contact with affected patients, healthcare workers will use added safeguards such as wearing masks and eye protection.

For more information on protective measures for healthcare workers, visit the Health Professionals section.

H1N1 Flu Vaccine


Ql. How much vaccine is the government ordering?

The government has purchased 50.4 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine on behalf of the provinces, territories and federal populations. Most of the order is for adjuvanted vaccine; 1.8 million of the doses are for unadjuvanted vaccine.

The Government of Canada has a longstanding contract with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to maintain vaccine production capacity in Canada in order to meet Canada's pandemic vaccine needs promptly and effectively.

The order of unadjuvanted vaccine from GSK will be available by mid-November.

In order for pregnant women across the country to have access to the unadjuvanted vaccine as early as possible, the Government of Canada has purchased 200,000 doses of unadjuvanted H1N1 vaccine from CSL Australia, which is now being administered across the country.

Q2. I've heard of a Canadian study that says I'll be at greater risk for getting the H1N1 virus if I received a seasonal flu shot last year. Should I avoid getting a seasonal flu shot this year?

No, but you should consult with your provincial or territorial health authority for their plans for the timing of seasonal and H1N1 immunizations.

Q3. There are recent Canadian studies suggesting that people might be more susceptible to the H1N1 virus if they have been vaccinated against the seasonal flu.

Similar studies from other countries have not shown

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this. PHAC asked an international expert panel to review the studies. This panel concluded that the

Canadian studies hold merit and are worthy of further research.

At the same time, the Panel also concluded that various vaccine program options remain valid - so in the end, provinces and territories will make their own decisions, based on the impact of the virus in their jurisdiction and their capacity to deliver immunization programs. Canadians should consult the recommendations from their provincial or territorial office of health.

Q4. Why aren't different provinces and territories planning to give flu shots exactly the same way?

The delivery of healthcare is a provincial/territorial responsibility in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada makes recommendations on immunization, but the rollout of immunization programs, including timelines and target groups, is ultimately the decision of provincial/territorial governments

There has never been a one-size fits all approach to seasonal vaccines in Canada and this year is no different. Provincial and territorial Chief Medical Officers of Health know their populations and are best placed to decide how to roll-out vaccine programs in their jurisdictions. They base some of their decisions on logistics, capacity and how many people are likely to get immunized,

Q5. How much vaccine is the government ordering?

The government has purchased 50.4 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine on behalf of the provinces, territories and federal populations. Most of the order is for

adjuvanted vaccine; 1.8 million of the doses are for unadjuvanted vaccine.

The Government of Canada has a longstanding contract with GlaxoSmithKline to maintain vaccine production capacity in Canada in order to meet Canada's pandemic vaccine needspromptly and effectively.

The order of unadjuvanted vaccine will be available by mid-November. In order for pregnant women across the country to have access to the unadjuvanted vaccine as early as possible, the Government of Canada has purchased 200,000 doses of unadjuvanted H1N1 vaccine from CSL Australia, which will be available to the provinces and territories as early as the first week of November.

Q6. How will the government pay for the vaccine?

Although the delivery of immunization is a provincial and territorial responsibility, given the exceptional circumstances of a pandemic, the Government of Canada intends to cover 60 per cent of this purchase on a one-time basis.

This investment reflects the seriousness of the situation and our commitment to showing leadership, along with the provinces and territories, on this issue This investment will be made through a newly allocated federal fund for the H1N1 flu vaccine purchase.

Q7. How did the government decide on the amount of vaccine to order?

While we would aim to vaccinate 100 per cent of the population, from observing seasonal flu shot campaigns, we know that even in provinces with free universal access vaccination programs, usually less than 50 per cent of the population will choose to be immunized.

Ordering 50.4 million doses of pandemic vaccine amounts to ordering 50 per cent more than we would expect to use for a normal seasonal vaccination campaign.

The Government of Canada is confident that 50.4 million vaccine doses will be sufficient to meet the needs of every Canadian likely to need and want protection.

Q8. What if we end up needing more than 50 million doses of vaccine?Will the government be able to buy more and who will pay for it?

Through our contract with GSK we have the opportunity to place further orders at a later date if we feel that there is a requirement for more vaccine to meet the needs of the Canadian people. The cost sharing of additional purchases would be negotiated at the time.

Q9. Will the vaccine be free for all Canadians, even those in provinces and territories that do no provide free seasonal influenza vaccine programs?

Decision on vaccine delivery and the administration of flu clinics is a provincial / territorial responsibility. The Government of Canada intends to pay 60 per cent of the cost of the vaccine purchase. Each province and territory will have to assess their capacity to deliver

immunization clinics, and will have to make decisions around cost based on a number of logistical and ethical criteria.

Vaccine Sequencing

Ql. What is vaccine sequencing?

While there will be enough H1N1 flu virus vaccine for all Canadians who need and want protection, not everyone can be immunized at the same time. Vaccine sequencing refers to the Government of Canada advice to provinces and territories on which groups and populations will benefit most from vaccination so that the timing and location of immunization clinics can be targeted appropriately.

Q2. What are the GoC recommendations on who should get the vaccine first?

Keeping in mind that we have ordered enough vaccine for every Canadian that needs and wants to be immunized, our basic approach is to ensure those that need it most get it first.

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Those who will benefit most from immunization and those who care for them include

Under The SuperVision Of

Mr / Mohammed M.Elmassry


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